
Greater flexibility in the way solution is designed to fit your sector.

Government - Citizen

Our E-government solution offers new opportunities for more direct and convenient citizen access to government, and for government provision of services directly to citizens.

E-Government is a new way of organization and management of public affairs, introducing positive transformational processes in management and the structure itself of the organization chart, adding value to the procedures and services provided, all through the introduction and continued appropriation of information and communication technologies as a facilitator of these transformations

E-Government Approach

Cross-Government consensus on how the scope of service transformation must expand

  • recognise that government delivers services through a variety of channels (including online, telephone and face-to-face)
  • broaden the definition of users, for example to reflect that some users will interact with government through third-party services that use government APIs (application programming interfaces)
  • cover the internal workings of departments as well as the services they offer to users

E-Government Portal

Using World Wide Web portals to create one-stop shops is one currently popular e-government approach to improving the delivery of public services to citizens. The basic idea of these portals is to provide a single, convenient place to take care of all the steps of a complex administrative process involving multiple government offices, bringing the services of these offices to the citizen instead of requiring the citizen to run from office to office.